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Whilst most of the true sciences are included in the following list, there are some 'ologies' whose claim to scientific status is questionable.  The addition of the suffix -ology to a subject does not necessarily make it a science.

The suffix -logy refers to the investigative sciences and -graphy refers to the descriptive sciences. The root sciences, where applicable, are shown in brackets.

anatomy.  Structure of the parts of the body.

anthropo-.  Man.

anthropology.  Natural history of man.

apiology. Bees (biology)

archaeology.  Material remains of the past.

architecture.  Design and erection of buildings.

astro-.  Greek.  star.

astrology. Prediction through celestial observation.

astronautics.  Space flight.

astronomy.  Celestial bodies excluding the Earth.

astrophysics.  Physical and chemical properties of celestial bodies.

bacteriology.  Bacteria.

ballistics.  Flight patterns of projectiles.

biochemistry.  Chemical composition and changes in living organisms.

biology.  Living organisms.

bionomics.  See ecology.

biophysics.  Physical characteristics of biological processes.

botany.  Plants (biology).

cartography. Maps and Mapmaking.

cetology. Whates (biology).

chemistry.  Composition, properties and changes of substances.

climatology. The climate (meteorology)

cladistics.  Classification of animals from genetic information.

conchology. Seahells

cosmology.  Origin and nature of the universe (astronomy).

criminology.  Crimes.

cryogenics.  Very low temperatures (physics).

cryptography.  Codes and ciphers.

cytogenetics.  Heredity and variation in cells.

cytology.  Plant and animal cells.

dendrology.  Trees (biology).

demography.  Size and distribution of human populations.

desmology. Branch of Medicene dealing with ligaments and sinews.

dynamics.  Forces acting on moving objects (mechanics).

ecology.  Relationships between life and its natural habitats.

embryology.  Changes in plants and animals as embryos.

entomology.  Insects.

ergonomics.  Relationship between worker and environment.

eschatology. Death and the afterlife.

ethnology.  Origins and characteristics of individual races and peoples (anthropology).

ethology.  Natural behaviour of animals.

etiology.  Causes of disease.

etymology.  Source and development of words (linguistics).

genealogy.  Evolution and descent of a species or family.

genetics.  Heredity and variation in organisms.

geochronology.  Relationship of time to Earth's history.

geodesy.  The position of features on the Earth's surface (geography).

geography.  Natural features of the Earth's surface.

geology.  Structure of the earth.

geomorphology.  Origin and changes of topographical features (geology).

geophysics.  Physical properties of the Earth: meteorology, oceanography and seismology.

geostatics.  Balance of forces in the Earth (physics).

graphology. Handwriting.

gynaecology.  Diseases of the female reproductive system.

haematology.  Blood and its diseases (pathology).

herpetology. Reptiles.

hippology. Horses.

histology.  Tissues.

hydrography.  Surveying and mapping of the rivers and seas.

hydrokinetics.  Fluids in motion.

hydrology.  Distribution and use of the earth's water.

hydrostatics.  Fluids at rest.

ichthyology.  Fishes.

ideology. Ideas and concepts.

kinematics.  Motion of bodies without reference to mass or force (mechanics).

kinetics.  See dynamics.

linguistics.  Language.

lithology.  Physical characteristics of rocks (geology).

mammology. Mammals

mathematics.  The relationships between number, quantity, size and shape.

mechanics.  Bodies in motion: dynamics, kinematics and statics (physics).

medicine.  Preventing, diagnosing and curing disease.

metallurgy.  Extraction, refining and alloying of metals.

metallography.  Structure of metals and alloys.

meteorology.  The atmosphere, especially the weather (geophysiscs).

metrology.  Measurement.

mineralogy.  Composition and characteristics of minerals (geology).

morphology.  1. Form and structure of organisms (biology).  2. Form and structure of words (linguistics).

mycology.  Fungi (botany).

myrmecology. Ants (biology).

mythology.  Interpretation of stories and myths.

nephology.  Clouds (meteorology).

neurology.  Nerves and the nervous system.

oceanography.  Oceans and seas (geology).

odontology.  Teeth (medicine).

ontogeny.  The sequence of events in the development of an organism.

opthalmology. Eyes.

ornithology.  Birds

orography.  Mountains (geography).

osteology.  Bones (medicine).

otology.  Ears (medicine).

palaeography.  Ancient writings.

palaeontology.  Determination of the past from fossils.

pathology.  Causes and results of disease (medicine).

pedology.  Soil (biology).

petrography.  Description and classification of rocks (geology).

petrology.  Composition, origin and formation of rocks (geology).

pharmacology.  Drugs and their effect on the body.

philology.  History of language (linguistics).

phonetics.  Vocal sounds (linguistics).

phonology.  Sounds within a language (linguistics).

philology. Historical language.

philosophy.  Explanation of nature and science by rational argument.

physics.  Relationship between matter and energy.

physiology.  Functions of organisms and their parts.

phylogeny.  Origins of plants (botany).

psychology.  Human and animal behaviour.

seismology.  Earthquakes (geology).

semantics.  Meaning of language (linguistics).

semiology.  Symptoms of disease.

sociobiology.  Social behaviour in humans and animals.

sociology.  Society.

speleology.  Caves.

statics.  Forces in equilibrium (mechanics).

statistics.  Collection and interpretation of quantative data.

taxonomy.  Classification of animals and plants (biology).

technology.  Practical application of the arts and sciences.

thanatology.  Death.

theology.  Religion and the nature of divinity.

thermodynamics.  The relationships between different forms of energy.

topography.  Surface features of a region.

toxicology.  Poisons.

uranography.  Mapping the stars and galaxies (astronomy).

virology.  Viral diseases.

vucanology. Volcanos.

zoology.  Animals.

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